Who we Are - Our Purposes

CUSJ is an associate member of the Canadian Unitarian Council and actively supports Aboriginal Rights Coalition, Citizens for Public Justice, Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition, Kairos and the National Anti-Poverty Organization.

The purposes of CUSJ are:to develop and maintain a vibrant network of Unitarian social action in Canada and elsewhere and to proactively represent Unitarian principles and values in matters of social justice, and in particular

-to provide opportunities, including the publication of newsletters for Unitarians and friends to apply their religious, humanistic, and spiritual values to social action aimed at the relief of:

1) poverty and economic injustice

2) discrimination based on religious, racial or other grounds

3) abuses of human rights whether of individuals or peoples

4) abuses of democratic process, and to promote peace and security, environmental protection, education, and literacy in keeping with the spirit of Unitarian values.

These purposes are an integral part of the constitution of CUSJ, adopted at the CUSJ Annual General Meeting in Mississauga, Ontario, May 19, 1999.
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CANADIAN UNITARIANS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE (CUSJ) was formed in 1996 when about 70 members of five Unitarian Universalist Congregations and Fellowships of Greater Toronto met to discuss their concern with government cuts to social services. The founding group, of about 35 members, felt that more must be done by Unitarians within their churches and the greater community to protect the social programs that define Canada as a civilized and compassionate nation. From its modest beginning, the CUSJ has grown into a national organization with membership extending from Coast to Coast. Our membership now numbers approximately 350 (in 306 households) representing 44 Congregations and Fellowships. CUSJ publishes the Justnews three times a year and discussion papers whenever possible. 1800 copies of each issue are now being widely distributed within the Canadian Unitarian community and beyond. Unitarians have a proud history of being in the forefront of the struggle for social change and justice. CUSJ follows in the footsteps of our forebears by keeping their spirit very much alive.